Function   /auction/get

Function invocation

Function description

Returns information about auction.

Input parameters

This function takes the following input parameters:

ParameterTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
auctionId integer YES Auction identifier

Return value

Auction information (structure with the following fields):

Field nameTypeDescription
auctionId integer Auction identifier
bids integer Number of bids in the auction
binPrice integer Auction Buy It Now price (deprecated, Buy It Now price is given in 'priceBuyNow' field)
priceBuyNow float Auction Buy It Now price
bottomPrice integer Auction bottom price for dutch auctions (deprecated and unused)
cat1 string Auction category 1
cat2 string Auction category 2
cat3 string Domain category 3
cat4 string Domain category 4
cat5 string Domain category 5
cat6 string Domain category 6
cat7 string Domain category 7
cat8 string Domain category 8
cat9 string Domain category 9
currency string Auction currency
description string Auction description
dutchAuction boolean Dutch auction (deprecated and unused)
endtime integer Auction end time as a Unix timestamp
featured boolean Auction is featured
homepage boolean Auction is promoted on homepage
internal boolean Internal domain auction (deprecated and unused)
memberId string Winning user identifer
method integer Domain transfer method (deprecated and unused)
name string Domain name (in Punycode)
utfname string Domain name (internationalized) (deprecated, this value is given in 'nameIDN' field)
nameIDN string Domain name (internationalized)
paid boolean Whether the buyer has paid for the domain (deprecated and unused)
portal boolean Marketplace portal where the auction is visible (deprecated and unused)
price float Actual auction price
private boolean Auction is private
promoted boolean Auction is promoted
reserveMet boolean Minimum price is met
reservePrice integer Auction reserve price (deprecated and unused)
priceMinimum float Auction minimum price (deprecated and unused)
sellerId string Auction seller identifier
startPrice integer Auction starting price (deprecated, Start price is given in 'priceStart' field)
priceStart float Auction starting price
saleType string Possible selling document (vat - invoice with VAT only, novat - invoice with VAT or invoice without VAT, person - invoice with VAT or sale without document)
starttime integer Auction start time as a Unix timestamp
status string Auction status (one of active, canceled, finished)
topay boolean Whether auction has active payment (deprecated and unused)
views integer Number of auction views in past 30 days
visits integer Number of domain visits in past 30 days (-1 if user hides traffic information)
watched integer Number of users who are watching the auction
hasMinimum boolean Minimum price is set
minBid float Minimal amount of next bid in auction
catch boolean Auction of a caught domain