Function   /buyer/expiring/domain/list/count

Function invocation

Function description

Returns the number of expiring domains. The expring domains list is searched according to specified criteria. All criteria are optional and can be omitted.

Input parameters

This function takes the following input parameters:

ParameterTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
name string "" String to be searched in domain names
leftAnchor boolean false Left anchor for search text
rightAnchor boolean false Right anchor for search text
lengthFrom integer 0 Low domain length boundary
lengthTo integer 0 High domain length boundary
noLetters boolean false Exclude domains with letters
noNumbers boolean false Exclude domains with numbers
noHyphens boolean false Exclude domains with hyphens
tld string "" Domain extension (for example:,,,, - functional, - regional), many TLDs can be given, they should be seperated by commas
category string "" Domain category
idn integer 0 IDN domains (0 - all domains, 1 - only IDN domains, 2 - exclude IDN domains)
deleted integer 0 Domain deleted not earlier than given number of days
dayFrom integer 0 Day from (deprecated, please use 'deleted' parameter)
dayTo integer 0 Day to (deprecated, please use 'deleted' parameter)
pagerankFrom integer 0 Domain min indexed page rank (deprecated and unused)
pagerankTo integer 0 Domain max indexed page rank (deprecated and unused)
pages integer 0 Domain min indexed sites
pagesFrom integer 0 Domain min indexed sites (deprecated, please use 'pages' parameter)
pagesTo integer 0 Domain max indexed sites (deprecated, please use 'pages' parameter)
links integer 0 Domain min indexed links
linksFrom integer 0 Domain min indexed links (deprecated, please use 'links' parameter)
linksTo integer 0 Domain max indexed links (deprecated, please use 'links' parameter)
alexa integer 0 Domain alexa max ranking (deprecated and unused)
onlyAlexa boolean false Get domains only with alexa ranking (deprecated and unused, please use 'alexa' parameter)
archive integer 0 Domain min years in archive
archiveFrom integer 0 Domain min days in archive (deprecated, please use 'archive' parameter)
archiveTo integer 0 Domain max days in archive (deprecated, please use 'archive' parameter)
future integer 0 Domain with option (0 - all domains, 1 - only with options, 2 - only without options)
premium integer 0 Premium domains (0 - all, 1 - only premium, 2 - only not premium)
age integer 0 Domain min age (in years)
majesticLinks integer 0 Domain min backlinks by Majestic SEO
majesticDomains integer 0 Domain min referring domains by Majestic SEO
majesticQuality integer 0 Domain min trust flow by Majestic SEO
order string "name" List sorting (one of: name, deleted, pages, links, archive, created, expires, age, majesticLinks, majesticDomains, majesticQuality)
size integer 5000 Paging: number of list elements
start integer 0 Paging: starting list element
onlyFeatured boolean false Only featured (deprecated and unused)
market string[] [] Domain markets (pl, de, eu, xx - global) if value is empty array then only .pl domain will be returned (deprecated and unused)
tasted integer 0 Tasted domains (0 - all, 1 - only tasted, 2 - only not tasted) (deprecated and unused)

Return value

The number of expiring domains (integer value).