Function   /buyer/offer/list

Function invocation

Function description

Returns the list of submitted offers. The list contains purchase offers that have been submitted by the user, for domains being sold by other users.

Input parameters

This function takes the following input parameters:

ParameterTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
filter_name string "" Filter offers by domain name (deprecated and unused, please use 'name' parameter)
filter_status string "" Filter offers status (deprecated and unused)
name string "" String to be searched in domain names
order string "name" List sorting (can be sorted by name, price, time, expires)
size integer 5000 Page size
start integer 0 List start (for paging)

Return value

The list of submitted offers (list of structures with the following fields):

Field nameTypeDescription
allowauction boolean The seller can start an auction basing on this offer (deprecated and unused)
allowoutside boolean The seller can finalize this transaction outside (deprecated and unused)
auctionId integer Offer auction identifier (deprecated and unused)
buyType string Selling document selected by the buyer (vat - invoice from, novat - invoice without vat from seller company, person - without document)
currency string Offer currency
expires integer Offer expiration time as a Unix timestamp
listingId integer Offer listing identifier
memberId string Buyer identifier
message string Message to the seller
name string Domain name
nameIDN string Domain name (internationalized)
offerId integer Offer identifier
price float Offer amount
sellerId string Seller identifier
status string Offer status (one of offer, accept, buynow, reject, expire, paid, unpaid, withdraw, close)
time integer Offer time as a Unix timestamp
utfname string Domain name in unicode (deprecated, this value is given in 'nameIDN' field)
waiting boolean The offer is waiting for a security deposit (deprecated and unused)
waitingdeposit integer Required security deposit (in buyer's account currency) (deprecated and unused)