Function   /future/add

Function invocation

Function description

Register domain future. Domain futures are created on existing domains. Domain future provide first-hand registration ability, if current owner resign from renewing domain.

Input parameters

This function takes the following input parameters:

ParameterTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
name string YES Domain future name to register
future string "" Domain future name to register (deprecated, please use 'name' parameter)
contactId integer 0 Contact profile id to use for future registration (/contact/list)
contact_id integer 0 Contact profile id to use for future registration (/contact/list) (deprecated, please use 'contactId' parameter)

Return value

Domain future registration result (structure with the following fields):

Field nameTypeDescription
amount float Optional amount
currency string Currency of optional amount
myAmount float Amount in member currency of optional amount
myCurrency string Member's currency
name string Domain name (in Punycode)
nameIDN string Domain name (internationalized)
msg string Message (deprecated)