Function   /market/event/list

Function invocation

Function description

Returns the list of marketplace events. The marketplace is searched according to specified criteria. All criteria are optional and can be omitted.

Input parameters

This function takes the following input parameters:

ParameterTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
size integer 5000 Page size
start integer 0 List start (for paging)

Return value

The list of marketplace events (list of structures with the following fields):

Field nameTypeDescription
id integer Unique ID
type string Event type (one of bidPlaced, auctionStarted, auctionStartedLM, domainSetForSale, domainPriceLowered, auctionBuyNowLowered, domainPriceChanged, domainSetPrice, auctionBuyNowChanged, auctionSetBuyNow, rentalAvailable, offerMade)
description string Event description
name string Domain name
nameIDN string Domain name (internationalized)
time integer Event time as an Unix timestamp