Function   /seller/auction/add

Function invocation

Function description

Inserts a new auction into the system. A new domain auction is created in the system with specified parameters.

Input parameters

This function takes the following input parameters:

ParameterTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
authinfo string "" Domain AuthInfo code (deprecated and unused)
bin integer 0 Buy It Now price (deprecated, please use priceBuyNow parameter)
priceBuyNow float 0 Buy It Now price
cat1 string "" First category
cat2 string "" Second category
cat3 string "" Third category
cat4 string "" Fourth category
check boolean false Only check for parameter correctness (deprecated and unused)
currency string YES Auction currency
days integer YES Auction length in days (between 1 and 30)
dutch boolean false Dutch auction (deprecated and unused)
hour integer YES Auction ending hour (between 0 and 23)
name string YES Name of the domain to be listed in auction
internal boolean true Whether the domain is registered with (deprecated and unused)
language string "" Domain language (deprecated and unused)
method integer 0 Domain transfer method (deprecated and unused)
portal string "" Portal where the auction will be visible (deprecated and unused)
price integer 0 Auction start price (deprecated, please use priceStart parameter)
priceStart float YES Auction start price
private boolean false Private auction
reserve integer 0 Minimum price (deprecated, please use priceMinimum parameter)
priceMinimum float 0 Minimum price
saleType string "vat" Possible sales document (vat - invoice with VAT only, novat - invoice with VAT or invoice without VAT, person - invoice with VAT or sale without document)
text string "" Auction description
useCode boolean false Use bonus code

Return value

Created auction id (integer value).