Function   /seller/catalog/domain/list

Function invocation

Function description

It retrieves the list of domains user's catalogs.

Input parameters

This function takes the following input parameters:

ParameterTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
catalogId integer YES Catalog identifier
size integer 5000 Page size
start integer 0 List start (for paging)

Return value

The list of domains in user's catalogs (list of structures with the following fields):

Field nameTypeDescription
active boolean Domain is set for sale (deprecated and unused)
allegroId integer Allegro auction identifier (deprecated and unused)
auctionBids integer Number of bids in an auction (deprecated and unused)
auctionBinPrice integer Auction Buy Now price (deprecated and unused)
auctionCurrency string Auction currency (deprecated and unused)
auctionDutch boolean Auction is dutch (deprecated and unused)
auctionEndTime integer Auction end time as an Unix timestamp (deprecated and unused)
auctionId integer Auction identifier (deprecated and unused)
auctionPrice integer Current price in an auction (deprecated and unused)
auctionReserve boolean Auction has reserve price (deprecated and unused)
auctionStartTime integer Auction start time as an Unix timestamp (deprecated and unused)
buyNowURL string External Buy It Now URL (deprecated and unused)
cat1 string Category 1 (deprecated and unused)
cat2 string Category 2 (deprecated and unused)
cat3 string Category 3 (deprecated and unused)
cat4 string Category 4 (deprecated and unused)
cat5 string Category 5 (deprecated and unused)
cat6 string Category 6 (deprecated and unused)
cat7 string Category 7 (deprecated and unused)
cat8 string Category 8 (deprecated and unused)
cat9 string Category 9 (deprecated and unused)
cat1Editable boolean Category 1 editable (deprecated and unused)
cat2Editable boolean Category 2 editable (deprecated and unused)
cat3Editable boolean Category 3 editable (deprecated and unused)
cat4Editable boolean Category 4 editable (deprecated and unused)
categoriesEditable string Categories editable (deprecated and unused)
currency string Price currency
earnings float Earnings (deprecated and unused)
featured boolean Listing is featured (deprecated and unused)
groupSaleId integer Group sale ID (deprecated and unused)
homepage boolean Domain is promoted on homepage (deprecated and unused)
internal boolean Is domain registered with (deprecated and unused)
listingId integer Listing identifier (deprecated and unused)
makeOfferURL string External Make Offer Url (deprecated and unused)
method integer Domain transfer method (deprecated and unused)
minprice float Minimum price (deprecated and unused)
name string Domain name
nameIDN string Domain name (internationalized)
note string Domain description (deprecated and unused)
offers integer Number of received offers (deprecated and unused)
pendingRental integer The domain is currently being rented (deprecated and unused)
portal string Marketplace portal where the auction is visible (deprecated and unused)
price float Current domain price on marketplace
priceReseller integer Domain price on reseller sites (deprecated and unused)
sellerId string Seller identifier (null if user wants to be anonymus) (deprecated and unused)
status string Marketplace status (deprecated and unused)
type string Listing type (auction or listing)
time integer Time of addition domain to catalog as an Unix timestamp
typo string Domain typo detection (deprecated and unused)
utfname string Domain name (internationalized) (deprecated, this value is given in 'nameIDN' field)
views integer Number of listing views in past 30 days (deprecated and unused)
visits integer Number of domain visits in past 30 days (-1 if user hides traffic information) (deprecated and unused)