Function   /seller/rental/list

Function invocation

Function description

It returns the list of rental transactions, in which user is a lessor.

Input parameters

This function takes the following input parameters:

ParameterTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
name string "" String to be searched in domain names
filter_name string "" String to be searched in domain names (deprecated, please use 'name' parameter)
status string "" Rental status (one of pending, accepted, rejected, active, expired, finished, matured, unpaid, canceled, closed)
order string "name" List sorting (can be sorted by name, installment, created, expires, accepted, deadline, next, months, monthsFinished)
size integer 5000 Page size
start integer 0 List start (for paging)
sort integer 0 Sort type (deprecated and unused)

Return value

The list of rental transactions (list of structures with the following fields):

Field nameTypeDescription
rentalId integer Rental identifier
buyType string Transaction document selected by the buyer (vat - invoice from, novat - invoice without vat from lessor company, person - without document)
saleType string Possible transaction document (vat - invoice with VAT only, novat - invoice with VAT or invoice without VAT, person - invoice with VAT or sale without document)
currency string Rental currency
memberId string Lessee identifier
name string Domain name
nameIDN string Domain name (internationalized)
installment float Rental installment price
firstInstallment float Another price of first installment
months integer Rental duration in months
monthsFinished integer Already paid months
sellerId string Lessor identifier
source string Transaction source (can be manual or listing)
status string Rental status
created integer Rental creation time as a Unix timestamp
deadline integer Transaction acceptance deadline time as a Unix timestamp
accepted integer Transaction acceptance or rejection time as a Unix timestamp
next integer Next installment time as a Unix timestamp
expires integer Expected transaction end time as a Unix timestamp
buyerCanCancel boolean Transaction can be terminated by lessee
sellerCanCancel boolean Transaction can be terminated by lessor
infinite boolean Indefinite period of transaction
canceled boolean Indefinite transaction was already terminated
cancelMonths integer The duration of transaction after termination
canBuy boolean Lessee can buy a domain during transaction
buyPrice float Buy now price
confirmtime string Rental confirmation time (deprecated and unused, confirmation time is now given in 'accepted' field)
endtime integer Rental end time (deprecated and unused, endtime is now given in 'expires' field)
final float Domain purchase price after rental (deprecated and unused)
finalization integer Rental finalization method (deprecated and unused)
first integer False value mean that first installment has already been paid (deprecated and unused)
infiniteEndBy integer 1 - Seller terminated infinite rental, 2 - Buyer terminated infinite rental (deprecated and unused)
infiniteEndtime integer Time when rental was infinite rental was terminated by seller or buyer (deprecated and unused)
infiniteTerminate integer 0 - Both seller and buyer can terminate infinite rental, 1 - Only seller can terminate infinite rental, 2 - Only buyer can terminate infinite rental (deprecated and unused, this values are now given in 'buyerCanCancel' and 'sellerCanCancel' fields)
initial float Rental initial payment (deprecated and unused, this value is given in 'firstInstallment' field)
md5 string Rental hash (deprecated and unused)
nexttime integer Rental next installment time (deprecated and unused, this value is now given in 'next' field)
remaining integer Remaining installments (deprecated and unused)
time integer Rental create time (deprecated and unused, this value is now given in 'created' field)
utfname string Domain name (internationalized) (deprecated and unused, this value is now given in 'nameIDN' field)
terms integer Rental period or period of notice for infinite rental (deprecated and unused)